Disable overwrite in Sublime Text

Disable overwrite in Sublime Text

If you have ever experienced Sublime Text overwriting your text when typing, and not knowing how to disable it other than re-opening your document, you know how frustrating it can be. I’ll show you how to toggle overwrite on/off and how to disable it completely if you never use it.

How to toggle overwrite on/off in Sublime Text

These are the default overwrite key bindings in Sublime Text:


simply press the [insert] key on your keyboard



How to disable overwrite in Sublime Text

Overwrite can be handy in some circumstances, but if you never use it as me, it might just be easier to disable the key binding completely.

Sublime Text stores its key bindings in json format in a file which can’t be modified from within Sublime. Instead we will copy the “toggle_overwrite” key binding and paste it into our user key bindings file, which will overwrite the key binding specified in the default key bindings file.

Open up Sublime and go to the menu:

Sublime Text > Preferences > Key Bindings – Default

Search for “overwrite” and copy the line below:

{ "keys": ["super+alt+o"], "command": "toggle_overwrite" },

Go to the menu again:

Sublime Text > Preferences > Key Bindings – User

Paste in the “toggle_overwrite” line you just copied from default key bindings file and change the command to “unbound”. This will unbind the overwrite key binding.

Your “Key Bindings – User” file will now look like this:

//Disable overwrite
{ "keys": ["super+alt+o"], "command": "unbound" }

Save the file, and you’ll never be bothered again by Sublime overwriting your text.

If you on the other hand prefer to keep “toggle_overwrite” but change its key binding, simply change the key combination in “keys” and keep the command as per default.

iTerm ANSI colors not working

I’m using iTerm 2 as a replacement for the standard terminal in OS X. It comes with a lot of nice features and advantages over the standard terminal. For instance it’s easy to change color schemes, you can find several of online.

However, ls output with colors ( ls -G) is not default, which is why you have to make an alias for “ls” pointing to “ls -G”.

echo "alias ls=’ls -G’" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

If you still have problems displaying the colors, open Prefrences > Profiles > Terminal and set “Report Teminal Type” to “xterm-256color”.

iTerm ANSI colors not working

Ipconfig Mac OS X

How to get your local IP address with Ipconfig equivalent for Mac OS X

Ipconfig Mac – Just like you you can open command prompt in Windows and hit “ipconfig” to get your local LAN/WLAN IP address, you have the same option on a Mac in OS X with the command “ifconfig”.

Simply open up the terminal, eg. by pressing cmd+space and typing “terminal”.
Then type “ifconfig” and hit enter.

Ipconfig Mac OS X

How to get your local IP address from System Preferences

Another option to get your local IP address on a Mac is to click the Apple logo in the taskbar,  then click “System Preferences”, type “Network” and hit enter. This will open up a graphical view, which shows you your local IP address as illustrated:

Ipconfig Mac OS X

Mount ISO in Windows 8

Windows 8 have build in virtual drive, which enables you to mount iso files.
Normally you can just right click an iso and chose “Mount“, but if this option isn’t present, double click the iso / right click, open with, and chose “Windows Explorer”, which will mount the iso as a drive. You might have to do this 2 times, as first time can happen to throw an error.

Mount ISO in Windows 8

Windows 8 shortcuts

Knowing the most basic shortcuts in Windows 8 makes navigation a lot faster and work more easy.
I have made a collection of shortcuts I use the most – a more detailed and full list can be found on the image below.

Hitting Windows button, switches between Metro style screen and the classic Windows desktop. This can be obtained by moving the mouse cursor to bottom left corner and clicking as well.

If you hit Windows button and start typing, you will open the Search charm, and can then search between installed applications, files and settings .

Win + C Open charms (you can also move the mouse cursor to bottom right corner)
Win + D Show desktop
Win + E Open Windows Explorer
Win + F Search files charm
Win + I Settings charm
Win + Q Search charm
Win + R Run
Win + X Open power user menu

To turn of your computer, you have several options:

1. When standing in classic desktop mode, you can simply hit ALT + F4
2. Hit Win + I, which opens the Settings charm. Click Power and Shut Down.
3. Hit Win + C or slide the mouse  cursor to the bottom right corner, click Settings and then Power and Shut Down.

Full list of Windows 8 shortcuts:

Windows 8 shortcuts

Download Windows 8 & Windows Server 8

After I have been running Windows 8 Developer Preview since the launch, and Windows 8 Consumer Preview got released last week, I decided to download and test it as well. I have been very positive with Windows 8 Developer Preview as working station OS for normal web development and every day use. As a developer OS, Windows 8 ain’t ready yet, as it conflicts with eg. Windows Phone SDK and Silverlight SDK, to mention the ones I have tried.

Either way, I thought it would share some download links.

Windows 8 Consumer Preview ISO 32/64bit
Product key: DNJXJ-7XBW8-2378T-X22TX-BKG7J

Windows Server 8 Beta 64bit

Windows 8 official logo