If you ever stumbled upon the info message “No data is available for the 2 most recent days” in Google Analytics when browsing the “Search Engine Optimization” section and wondered why this message appears, there’s a good explanation for that.

You will get this message after connecting your Google Analytics account to your website in Google Search Console (former Google Webmaster Tools).
The Search Engine Optimisation graphs in Google Analytics pulls data from Google Search Console, and this data is often several days delayed. People report it can be delayed by more than 2 days as originally stated.
Right after linking your accounts you won’t be able to see data until Google fetches initial data from Google Search Console – give it some days. After that, the message stays, and just tells you that Google Analytics is 2 days behind fetching data from Google Search Console. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal, and Google Analytics will eventually catch up.
It might be a good idea to re-check you linked the correct accounts though.
Log in to Google Search Console > click on your website > on the wheel in the top right corner click and chose “Google Analytics Property”, and you’ll see the Google Analytics account linked to your website.