iTerm ANSI colors not working

I’m using iTerm 2 as a replacement for the standard terminal in OS X. It comes with a lot of nice features and advantages over the standard terminal. For instance it’s easy to change color schemes, you can find several of online.

However, ls output with colors ( ls -G) is not default, which is why you have to make an alias for “ls” pointing to “ls -G”.

echo "alias ls=’ls -G’" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

If you still have problems displaying the colors, open Prefrences > Profiles > Terminal and set “Report Teminal Type” to “xterm-256color”.

iTerm ANSI colors not working

Ipconfig Mac OS X

How to get your local IP address with Ipconfig equivalent for Mac OS X

Ipconfig Mac – Just like you you can open command prompt in Windows and hit “ipconfig” to get your local LAN/WLAN IP address, you have the same option on a Mac in OS X with the command “ifconfig”.

Simply open up the terminal, eg. by pressing cmd+space and typing “terminal”.
Then type “ifconfig” and hit enter.

Ipconfig Mac OS X

How to get your local IP address from System Preferences

Another option to get your local IP address on a Mac is to click the Apple logo in the taskbar,  then click “System Preferences”, type “Network” and hit enter. This will open up a graphical view, which shows you your local IP address as illustrated:

Ipconfig Mac OS X