Redirect www to non-www IIS

This guide shows you how to redirect your site from www to non-www on server level with IIS 7.5.

www is actually a subdomain for your main domain (, which means both and will serve the same content, if you don’t redirect either to or the opposite way around. It’s highly recommended to do so, to prevent duplicate content. Which you prefer is entirely up to you, as it doesn’t matter in search engine rankings, as long as you choose one.

Fire up Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager by hitting CTRL+R and type inetmgr [enter]

Choose your site in the left menu and open up “Url Rewrite

Redirect www to non-www IIS

Click “Add rule(s)…”

Choose “Blank rule” under Inbound rules and click [ok]

Redirect www to non-www IIS

Give your rule a name, eg.: Redirect to non-www
Request URL: Match the Pattern
Pattern: (.*)

Open up the “Conditions” tab

Redirect www to non-www IIS

Condition input: {HTTP_HOST}
Check if input string: Does Not Match the Pattern
Pattern: ^domain\.com$ 

Redirect www to non-www IIS

Scroll down to the “Action” tab

Action type: Redirect
Redirect URL:{R:1}
Make sure Redirect type is set to “Permanent (301)

Redirect www to non-www IIS


Another option, is to add the rule in your web.config manually:

<rule name="Redirect to non-www" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="(.*)" negate="false"></match>
<action type="Redirect" url="{R:1}"></action>
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^domain\.com$" negate="true"></add>